
  1. When an End User requests to add a Custom Payment type(s), forward the issue to the R&D Dept and request the addition of the Custom Payment type(s).
  2. Once the R&D Dept has verified that the Custom Payment type(s) have been added, notify the End User and request that it is enabled via their BackEnd. This is their sole responsibility. 
  3. Note that Custom Payment Type(s) will be highlighted in Orange in the POS Setting and that a Counter is limited to displaying only 6 type(s) at any time.

Step 1: Navigate to the BackEnd and select Front End > Settings > POS Settings.

Step 2: In the Set Payment Type In The Counter option, click "Yes" on the custom payment(s) required. 

Step 3: Note that Cashiers will require privileges to utilize the Custom Payment Types. To enable, navigate to Administrator > Users > Update Profile.

Step 4: Search for the Username of the respective Cashier in the search field.

Step 5: Grant the "POS_CUSTOMIZE_PAYMENT" privliege to the Cashier to enable Custom Payment type(s) for their account (Front End & POS > POS_CUSTOMIZE_PAYMENT).