*Backup database first before upgrade/update ARMS® LITE.

Upgrade / Update Guide for Windows

For windows version, download and install the update from ARMS LITE website or click here to get latest version.

Upgrade / Update Guide for UBUNTU
Upgrade ARMS® LITE to GST Version

  1. Go to  Applications > Accessories.
  2. Select and click on “terminal”.

  3. Copy this “cd /opt; chown arms:arms -Rf ARMS_LITE_Linux; cd /home/arms; wget http://armslite.com/bin/upgrade_armslite.sh; chmod 777 upgrade_armslite.sh; sh upgrade_armslite.sh” command and paste into terminal and press “enter” key.

  4. If you have successfully upgrade, then you will get result like above screen shot.

Upgrade ARMS® LITE (all versions)

  1. Go to  Applications > Accessories.

  2. Select and click on “terminal”.

  3. Copy this “cd /home/arms; wget http://armslite.com/bin/update.sh; chmod 777 update.sh; sh update.sh” command and paste into terminal and press “enter” key.

  4. If it's successfully updated, then you will get result like below.