*Please refer to the attachment if you are unable to locate the sqlite3.exe file in the directory.

Step 1: Get error log from ARMS® LITE > error > database folder.


Step 2: Open terminal for repair table.

Step 3: Run command cd /opt/ARMS_LITE_Linux

Step 4: Run command ./sqlite3.sh db/file_corrupted.sql3 (Please get information from error/database folder)

Step 5: Run command pragma integrity_check;

Step 6: Run command .q

Step 7: If result string is not ok, please follow below step repair table.

Step 8: Run command ./sqlite3.sh db/file_corrupted.sql3 ".dump" | ./sqlite3.sh db/new_file.sql3

Step 9: Repeat Step 6

Step 10: Run command ./sqlite3.sh db/new_file.sql3

Step 11: Repeat Step 6 and move out db/file_corrupted.sql3 and rename db/new_file.sql3 to db/file_corrupted.sql3


Step 2: Open Command Prompt for repair table.

Step 3: Run command cd ../..

Step 4: If ARMS POS in other drive, please login to drive first. (For example: D drive, key in d: into Command Prompt)

Step 5: Run command cd ARMS LITE

Step 6: Run command sqlite3.exe db/file_corrupted.sql3 (Please get information from error/database folder)

From the image above, the command will be sqlite3.exe db/sku_items.sql3

Step 7: Run command pragma integrity_check;

Step 8: Run command .q

Step 9: If result string is not ok, please follow below step repair table.

Step 10: Run command sqlite3.exe db/file_corrupted.sql3 ".dump" | sqlite3.exe db/new_file.sql3

In this case, the command will be sqlite3.exe db/sku_items.sql3 ".dump" | sqlite3.exe db/new_file.sql3

Step 11: Run command sqlite3.exe db/new_file.sql3

Step 12: Repeat Step 7

Step 13: Move out db/file_corrupted.sql3 and rename db/new_file.sql3 to db/file_corrupted.sql3

In this case, move out db/sku_items.sql3 and rename db/new_file.sql3 to db/sku_items.sql3

            Step 14: Launch ARMS Lite and the database should be normal now.

If the sqlite3.exe is missing, please find the attachment to download it and copy it to the ARMS LITE folder.